Saturday, January 07, 2006

So This is the New Year

Happy New Year! (I have always thought it a strange holiday where people get stressed over trying to find something important to do!) :)

This was definitely a New Year unlink any other. I along with around 20 people or so from different countries (Sweden, England, Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, The States, Ireland...) hung out together at one of the volunteer flats and then we headed down to Princes Street. There were loads of people, music, and a spectacular fireworks show that took place over the Edinburgh Castle.

Now that Hogmany has ended the city is getting back to normal, as is work. I spent my days off this past week traveling to some villages outside of edinburgh, meeting up with friends to watch football, and going out to eat to make some new friends! I have the weekend off and it actually looks to be rather mellow! A nice change in pace.

Last night we put the projector up in our flat and had about 7 friends come over so we could play FIFA 2006 on the X Box. I'm not a big video game fan but it was a good excuse for us to get together and relax.

Work has been hectic as of late. Everything from poice visits and extreme alcohol use to battling mental problems and depression. I know I am quite fortunate to be getting this experience but my hat goes off to the people who do this type of work year in and year out. It does really demand a lot of patience, love, and dedication!

Enjoy the New Year and don't make any resolutions you can't keep!


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