Sunday, October 12, 2008

In the News

Never before have I posted on current issues in society. I tend to avoid these conversations because my lack of knowledge. But a larger reason is that it tends to aggressively divide people. You agree with me and we are on a "team." You disagree and we are on competing or opposite "teams." I don't write this stuff to argue or divide but to share. Feel free to share back at me or feel free to wait until I post again.

These thoughts aren't exhaustive...

Gas prices- I paid $3.25 a gallon today and felt proud. The receipt is taped to my windshield and I took a photo of the price with my phone (not true). Of course I am glad to see gas prices go down but what I appreciated about the increase was that it caused people to re-evaluate their lives. More carpooling, more efficient cars, less pollution, etc. When you drive around look at how many people are driving by themselves. Over 90% of the time it is just me in my car with my bike in the backseat. I know $4.00 is a lot for a gallon of gas but what about the value of people and the environment? If you want to know where I stand on the whole global warming issue it is...I don't know. I saw Gore's documentary and have read the counter arguments. Was it good propoganda? Was it a hot button issue to swing votes? Maybe. But what it comes down to is that a lot (not all) of the suggestions for stopping global warming are just good. Whether or not global warminig is actually happening the choices to burn less fuel and cut back on consumption are part of being good stewards of God's earth.

The United States Economy- So 2 months ago I opened up an IRA. (Yeah, I don't have a career and am thinking about retirement :) ) One of my friends casually called this "conservative." I called it being a good steward of what is given to me. If that makes me conservative than o.k. I'm not hoarding money to have a nice nest egg so I can retire early and live in Florida. This isn't a control move based on worry and anxiety. Rather, I want to make practical steps to better my future. Just like I made practical steps by going to college, traveling to Scotland, going to Seminary, taking a shower this morning, brushing my teeth, and by not eating hotdogs. Back to the IRA...I haven't looked but know my money is disappearing. The economy is in shambles but what I love is that the economy of God isn't.

Voting- I have wanted to write a post on voting for a long time. Hopefully it will happen before the election. All I'm going to ask is, "what are you hoping for?" "What are your expectations?" I strongly believe that we need to consider how much we have invested into the United States political process.


Anonymous said...

good thoughts! and i'm not just saying that because i agree with you. i'm really not sure what to expect in the big Election of '08. I'm not too keen on either candidate (nor on the v.p.'s either), but then, there will never be a perfect president. and even the "good" presidents of the past, of which we fondly reminisce, weren't really all that great in their time. so, we'll see. no matter the outcome, it will all be pretty interesting to watch.

- tales of a swallow

Anonymous said...

hey- sorry if you missed my reply to your comment on my blog...i didn't want to leave it on for fear of here it is in a phisher proof format: swallowtales at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your blog. The voice you present in regards to IRA's is powerful: many people will turn to saving and "storing up" with the knowledge of the failing economy. It is humbling to realize that it takes a crisis to make us think of being good stewards, especially as Christ followers. Your voice is counter-cultural (buuuuzzzz word) that probably not many WASPY Christians can make (White, Anglo-Saxton, Protestant, Y). thanks for the post.

Dan said...

I am also clueless about politics, but often note the single drivers in cars. My roommate recently began carpooling, and I think it's good for his soul as well as the environment. People need people.

Crystal said...

Good thoughts. Reminds me of the concert I went to a few weeks ago featuring Derek Webb. He sang "A Savior on Capitol Hill" and emphasized that no matter who we vote for, they're not going to fix all of our problems. I just turned on the debate for a few minutes and heard them talking about the exact same issues they hashed (glossed?) over in the last two. How can anyone be educated when no one tells the truth?

Anonymous said...

So, some things to remember about economics, politics and world systems....1) This world ain't our home! 2) All human systems are flawed. 3) God's not napping nor surprised by our crisis. 4) Contentment will never come through the acquisition of "stuff". 5) Keep on giving...your heart follows your actions and not the other way around! Hey, this sounds like a sermon. Ah...wait a is! In fact, it's tomorrow's sermon!! Good stuff Mike.
Pastor Pops