Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Prayer

A couple weeks back Adam posted a prayer. I appreciate Scot McKnight's blog where he frequently writes out his prayers along with a bevy of other wise insights. I find that when I try to pray my mind often wanders but when writing my prayers I am focused, sure, and aware of my place before God. So for about the last two years my "journal," just consists of my prayers for the day.

The prayers of the saints and of Bible are often used in personal and corporate worship. I find it so empowering to use another Christian's prayer as my own. In a mysterious way we come together and unite beyond time and space. Through the power of the Spirit the prayer, (which originallg might have met a completely different need than my use of it) echos into eternity.

For example, when I read Adam's prayer I was thinking about my post-graduation plans (finding a source of income), my desire for simplicity and God's demand that I count him as my only resource. I don't know what Adam was thinking when he penned those words but their relevance to my life is a testimony to the power of prayer.

We are doing a great disservice to one another if we are not sharing our prayer language and content. So here is a prayer that I often rely on, it is in a way my version of the Jesus Prayer. It is a prayer I use to center myself when feeling overwhelmed or anxious

One in the Father
One in the Son
One in the Spirit
Three in One

1 comment:

Adam said...

I can't take credit for "penning" that prayer. I was just echoing Proverbs 30:7-9.