Thursday, March 26, 2009

Looks like...

Last Friday I heard that I look like Jesus 14 times. Monday, 9 times. Tuesday 7 times. If I'm not told that I look like Jesus here are the others popular recent comments.

A Hippie

David Grohl

Dr. Jack Hodgins

I'm sure this is creating a serious identity crisis in my life. Beyond making me narcissistic or paranoid I'm bound to develop a Messianic complex, drive a VW van, think I'm a decent musician, and pursue the stage.

If nothing it gives me some good stories to tell but I think it also reveals a lot about first impressions and preconceived notions. I'll drum that out later...


Daniel Hershberger said...

Isn't it funny that people say you look like Jesus. I mean, Jesus is probably the most famous person whose physical appearance is completely unknown, unless you count the Shroud of Turin. People might as well tell you that you look like Adam, Noah, or Abraham. Which you probably do.....on a side note, maybe being a Christian is more about "looking" like Jesus rather than following Jesus.

Mike Moore said...

Dan/Nicole, I'll be honest, I had to google search the Shroud of Turin. There is definitely parallels that can be said about just "looking," like Jesus. If nothing else it is a great conversation starter...

Anonymous said...

So, have you decided to rent yourself out for the Easter season? I still love that line..."rent a Jesus." It has real and powerful implications for the faith! You could make boatloads of money playing all kinds of churches and clubs in the Chicago area during Lent. From a guy who's never mistaken to look like Jesus....and just think, in a few years you might have my hairline! Dad

Mike Moore said...

Dad, I've been telling people that I am shooting high this year. Forget the mid-level churches I want Willow Creek and Saddleback. If you are interested in having me come down to Hillside call my agent, I'm getting booked! :)